Can Hitting a Raccoon Damage Your Car

Yes, hitting a raccoon can damage your car. A small animal like a raccoon has no chance against the weight and speed of an automobile, so the impact of such collision can be catastrophic for both parties involved. Raccoons are especially vulnerable when they’re on or near the road because their instincts lead them to freeze in place rather than flee from danger.

If you hit one, chances are it won’t survive but even if you don’t fatally wound it, its body mass may still cause significant dents and scratches to your vehicle’s bodywork as well as potentially damaging any parts beneath its exterior. In addition to this physical damage, there is also likely to be some interior damage that could include broken glass or electrical wiring problems which would need to be addressed by a professional mechanic.

Hitting a raccoon can be incredibly dangerous for both you and your car. Not only is it illegal to strike any wild animal, but the impact from hitting a raccoon can cause serious damage to your vehicle’s body and tires. Additionally, the force of the collision could cause the raccoon to fly through your windshield or land in front of your car, leading to further destruction if not handled properly.

It is important that drivers remain vigilant when on the roads at night, as it may be difficult to spot animals such as raccoons while driving.

Can Running Over a Racoon Damage Your Car?

Running over a racoon can cause damage to your car depending on the size of the animal and how fast you are going. If the raccoon is larger in size, such as an adult, then it has higher chances of being damaging to your car if you are driving at high speeds. The impact from hitting a large animal can cause dents or cracks in your bumper or even worse, puncture your radiator or tires.

Additionally, any fluids that may have been emitted from the animal could potentially get into other parts of your car like brake drums and rotors which would need to be flushed out immediately. Therefore, it is best to drive cautiously whenever animals cross paths with cars so that no one gets hurt and there is minimal damage done to both parties involved!

What Should I Do If I Hit a Raccoon With My Car?

If you hit a raccoon with your car, the first thing to do is check for injuries to yourself and any other passengers in the vehicle. If everyone is okay, then you should assess the situation of the animal. Check to see if it has been killed or injured by the impact of your vehicle.

If you believe that it may still be alive but injured, call animal control immediately as they will have experience dealing with these types of situations and can help transport it safely off of the road so that no further harm comes to it or anyone else on the road.

Does Insurance Cover Damage from Hitting a Raccoon?

It depends on the policy and coverage you have. Some insurance companies will cover damage from hitting a raccoon if it is deemed to be an “act of nature,” meaning that the collision was unavoidable. Other policies may not provide any coverage for this type of incident, so it’s important to check with your insurer about what kind of protection you have in place.

Additionally, some states have laws that require drivers to report animal-related collisions to their insurance provider or local authorities within 24 hours; failure to do so could result in denied claims and potential fines.

How Much Damage Can a Raccoon Cause?

Raccoons can cause a lot of damage if they gain access to your home. They are strong and agile animals that can easily break through weak points in the exterior walls or roof of a building, allowing them to enter attics, garages, sheds, and other areas. Once inside, raccoons will tear apart insulation for nesting material and may build several dens throughout the structure.

They also often chew on wires which can be extremely dangerous as it could lead to an electrical fire. Additionally, raccoons have been known to spread diseases like rabies and roundworm so you should always contact animal control if you think one is near your property.

Hitting a Raccoon With a Car Meaning

Hitting a raccoon with a car is something that happens more often than most people realize. Unfortunately, it can be quite dangerous for both the driver and the raccoon as they are no match for the force of an oncoming vehicle. It is important to remember that if you accidentally hit a raccoon while driving, you should always remain in your car and call animal control or local authorities so they can come assess the situation safely and humanely.

What to Do If You Hit a Raccoon While Driving

If you hit a raccoon while driving, the first step is to check on its wellbeing. If the animal is still alive, move it off of the road with caution and contact your local wildlife rescue organization for help. Do not try to take care of an injured raccoon yourself as they can be aggressive when in pain or scared.

If the raccoon has passed away, assess whether it is safe for you to get out of your vehicle and remove it from the roadway. Take necessary safety precautions before doing so and contact law enforcement if needed.

Will My Insurance Go Up If I Hit a Raccoon

If you hit a raccoon while driving and cause property damage, your insurance rates could increase. This is because the act of hitting an animal with a vehicle would be considered at-fault accident by most car insurance companies. As with any other type of auto claim, rates can go up depending on how much it costs to repair the damage caused to your car and if anyone else was involved in the incident.


In conclusion, it is best to avoid hitting a raccoon with your car if possible. If you do hit a raccoon, it can cause significant damage to the exterior of your car as well as potentially leading to more costly repairs down the line. Therefore, use extra caution when driving in areas known for having raccoons and be sure to keep an eye out for them on the roads.

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