How Do You Say Recipe in Spanish

La palabra “receta” se usa en español para referirse a una lista de ingredientes y las instrucciones necesarias para preparar un plato. Algunos países hispanohablantes tienen variantes regionales como “fórmula”, “cocción” o “preparación”. Sin embargo, la forma más generalmente aceptada es decir receta.

Se pronuncia como ray-seh-tah con el acento en la primera sílaba.

If you’re looking to brush up on your Spanish cooking vocabulary, then the word for “recipe” is receta. This five-syllable word is easy to remember and used widely throughout Latin America. Knowing how to say recipe in Spanish can help you navigate through Spanish cookbooks and recipes with ease, so add it to your list of essential words!


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What is the Spanish Word for Recipe

The Spanish word for recipe is “receta”. This term is used in many Latin American countries, including Spain and Mexico. It literally means a list of ingredients and instructions necessary to prepare a particular dish.

In addition to being an important part of the culture, recipes are also kept as family heirlooms that have been passed down through generations, providing insight into each family’s unique culinary history.

The Spanish Word for Recipe is Receta

The Spanish word for “recipe” is receta. Receta comes from the Latin recipere, which means “to take” or “to receive.” This implies that a recipe is not just something you make or create, but rather it is something you are handed down or given in order to be prepared and cooked.

A receta is an instruction manual on how to prepare a dish; it contains information about ingredients and measurements as well as step-by-step directions. The term can also refer to the food itself, with many traditional recipes passed down through generations of families over time. Whether you’re looking for a classic Spanish dish like paella or making more modern dishes like tacos al pastor, knowing the word for “recipe”—receta—is essential!

Translate Recipe from English to Spanish

Si desea traducir una receta del inglés al español, puede hacerlo utilizando diversas herramientas en línea. Estos incluyen sitios web como Google Translate y DeepL, que ofrecen servicios de traducción precisos y confiables para ayudarle a comprender los ingredientes necesarios para preparar su plato favorito. Además, hay muchos libros de cocina bilingües disponibles en papel y digitalmente que también le permiten seguir la receta paso a paso sin problemas.

How to Write a Recipe in Spanish

Escribir una receta en español puede ser divertido y fácil. Primero, tome nota de los ingredientes que desea utilizar y busque la traducción correcta para cada uno de ellos. Luego, detalle los pasos necesarios para preparar el plato con precisión, incluyendo tiempos aproximados para hervir o cocer alimentos.

Por último, asegúrese de escribir sus instrucciones en frases cortas y sencillas que sean fácilmente comprensibles para los lectores.

How to Spell Recipe in Spanish

To spell the word “recipe” in Spanish, you would use the spelling “receta”. This is pronounced reh-seh-tah and is used by native speakers of Spanish to describe a set of instructions for preparing food. So next time you’re looking up a delicious dish online or trying to write out your own recipe, remember that it’s spelled receta in Spanish!


In conclusion, it is clear that “recipe” can be translated into Spanish in a variety of ways. The most common translations are receta and cocina. Depending on the context, you may also hear preparación or formula used instead.

Regardless of which translation method you choose to use for your recipes, learning how to say recipe in Spanish will make it much easier for you to communicate with Spanish-speaking friends and family members about your favorite dishes!

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